IMRB Survey offers: Hello Guys I am Here with a new paytm Cash Earning loot without investing a rupee. The Offer is For Completing Survey.IMRB is running a Survey on Grocery sites. You will Get Rs.15 in Your PayTM Wallet Instantly after completing signup at IMRB
You will Get Paytm cash only if You Fill the Given Answers and Submit accordingly. The cash in Wallet Can be Redeem anytime. You can also Check PanelStation Survey which offers Paytm Cash for Free.
Tip – If you have a secondary email. I will prefer to use a secondary email that you useless. You can unlink your Gmail from prospect whenever you want by visiting your Google settings
How To Get Rs.15 Paytm Cash From IMRB:-
1. Visit Bigtricks Offer Page From Here and Login to Your Account or Create a new Account.
2. Now Just enter Your Mobile Number Click on Get Cashback and You will be redirected to IMRB Landing Page.
3. Here You have To Submit Details the details are given below.
Step -1 – Enter Your Name, Age, Mobile Number, and Pin Code*(Enter email which u use least)
Select City- (Bangalore, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Delhi, Noida, Mysore, Coimbatore, Vijayawada-Guntur, Kolkata, Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar, Lucknow-Kanpur, Gurgaon, Vadodara, Visakhapatnam, Surat, Nagpur, Patna, Indore, and Chandigarh)
Enter pin Code From (any of above cities)
Step-2: Enter Basic details as Shown in the Image below just change a little bit.
Step-3 On step 4 select following answers – Bigbasket )
STEP-4: Now Proceed to Login with GMAIL and Provide Login Access to the Same Email that you provided before. Note You will Get App not Verified Warning Just Proceed by clicking on Unsafe(it’s safe).
Step-5 Once You provide all details Click Allow And After Allowing Rs.15 will be credited to Your account.
Step-6 if you already availed the offer from other Websites you won’t Get Cash.
The Offer is Valid once per user.
Proof – ![[Answers]IMRB Survey : Just Fill a Very Small Survey and Get Rs.15 PayTM Cash Instantly 6 imrb]()
i am not received my Cashback yet
I am done this task, but my cashback of 15rs is not received. Please tell me after how much time my cashback of this task received in my wallet.
Cashback is Credited
i didn’t get my cashback
Please Check Now.
Your Cashback is credited
It takes 5-10 Mins
I checked my wallet but no cashback is added in it.Please help me.
Hello sir … I have done this …. but cash is not credited in my wallet .so please add my money sir
May i know Your Username
I am done this task but cashback is not credit
I have completed survey but not credited
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Completed the process but not get credited
Please check, payment has been processed
8109915907 my wallet no
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